Effects Busses

Click the heading of an effect to expand it and see it's controls


  • Audio from the Oscillators is routed through the voice filters, and then into the effects section
  • Effects are organised into 3 busses: Bus A, Bus B, and Master FX
  • Bus A and B can be set to series or parallel
  • In series mode, the audio signal enters Bus A, and goes through each effect in order, then into Bus B and finally the Master FX bus
  • In parallel mode, the signal goes into Bus A and B individually, and each of their outputs are mixed together and passed to the Master FX bus
  • Bus A and B share the main 7 types of effects
  • You can drag effects from A to B or within the effects list to change their order

Bus A and B controls

  • Click the FX bus header to show these controls
  • Bus A and B have an optional Filter and Gain control
  • The gain control which can increase or decrease the signal level
  • Enable the filter and choose whether it is run per or post the effects in the bus
  • The filter can be set to high pass or low pass mode
  • You can link the filters between A and B busses
  • If the filters are linked and their modes are set to high pass and low pass, they will behave like a crossover. This allows you to have one FX bus for high end and one for low frequency signals

Master FX Bus

  • You can add up to two more effects to the master FX bus
  • Click add FX to do so
  • Change the internal FX mode with the arrow buttons
  • Change the FX type using the down arrow button
  • Remove the master effect with the X button
  • You can drag the Master effects above or below each other to change their order
Authored on 5 Dec. Last updated 8 Dec 2:18:00 am.

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