Side Chain

This effect can be used to create the classic four on the floor pumping sound. It is conceptually similar to an LFO connected to a volume knob.

Click and drag the handles on the screen to adjust the LFO shape.

  • Loop mode the pattern repeats over and over
  • Note on mode every note will trigger the playback of the shape, which won't repeat.
  • Audio mode you can route audio to the effect, such as a kick drum. The effect will be triggered based on a threshold slider
  • Depth knob controls the y value of the bottom handle. Because it is a knob, you could automate the depth by dragging a mod source to it
  • Rate knob controls the speed of playback. This can be set to BPM sync if desired. Click the small value screen for more options. Flanger / Phaser Effect
Authored on 26 Oct 2022. Last updated 8 Dec 2:02:41 am.

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