Import Destination
An UltraWave consists of 'Sounds'. Each sound:
- Has a note and velocity position in the UltraWave map
- Is Mono or Stereo
- Contains Wavetable cycles, an Attack sample, Pitch Curve and Amp Curve.

There are 3 main destination options on the Import tab:
- Create a new Patch Audio will be added to a new empty UltraWave. All Patch parameters will be reset to their defaults.
- Replace UltraWave in current Patch Creates a new empty UltraWave but keeps the Patch settings - effects & filter etc.
- Add to current UltraWave Keeps the existing Sounds. Any imported data will be added as new Sounds to the UltraWave. Clicking import from the map page will default to this mode.
Additionally, for a Manual Import, you can load the imported audio and then add cycle or attack data to add to an existing Sound. To enter this mode, you need to start the import from the edit Sound page.
Enter the edit sound page by clicking the cycle graph under the main UltraWave screen, or any edit button in the sound list in the map page.