Mod Matrix

The Mod Matrix shows you a list of all modulated parameters.

You can link a mod source by dragging anything with a drag icon onto a knob. For example, drag the LFO 1 tab to the filter cutoff to have the cutoff move in time to the LFO.

There are three different Mod Matrix views:

  1. List View — this is similar to most synths, and shows a list of each individual mod link
  2. Source View — shows each mod source, and a list of connected destinations
  3. Target View — shows each mod target, and a list of connected sources

List View

From left to right, the columns show:

  • A graph of the value of the mod source value over time
  • The mod source name
  • A focus button, which will take you to the Source View
  • A mod amount slider, which controls how much the source affects the target
  • A polarity button. When up, the mod source will be added to the destination value. When down, the mod source will range from subtracting an amount and adding an amount
  • Mod target value knob. Controls the base value of the destination parameter
  • The name of the mod target parameter
  • A focus button, which will take you to the Target View
  • A graph of the value of the mod target over time
  • A Stereo Width slider. When set to a value other than the center, the mod amount will be different for the left and right channels
  • Summing mode combo. If more than one source are connected to a specific target, you can choose how the values are combined. The default is to add them together but you can change this to multiply, average and other modes
  • Trash button. Will remove the link

Source View

From left to right, this shows:

  • A section containing the controls for the mod source. Adjusting these controls will also adjust the values on the main synth page
  • A graph of the mod source value over time
  • A list of targets that the mod source is connected to

In the target list, from left to right the columns show:

  • A graph of the value of the mod target over time
  • Mod target value knob. Controls the base value of the destination parameter
  • A mod amount slider, which controls how much the source affects the target
  • A polarity button. When up, the mod source will be added to the destination value. When down, then mod source will range from subtracting an amount and adding an amount
  • Trash button. Will remove the link
  • A focus button, which will take you to the Target View

Target View

This view is split in half. On the left is a list of mod sources that are connected to the target, with columns showing:

  • A graph of the value of the mod source value over time
  • The mod source name
  • A mod amount slider, which controls how much the source affects the target
  • A polarity button. When up, the mod source will be added to the destination value. When down, then mod source will range from subtracting an amount and adding an amount
  • Trash button. Will remove the link
  • A focus button, which will take you to the Source View

On the right is a summing mode section. If more than one source is connected to a specific target, you can choose how the values are combined. The default is to add them together but you can change this to multiply, average, or other modes.

  • Mod target value knob. Controls the base value of the destination parameter
  • The name of the target parameter
  • A graph of the value of the mod target over time

Authored on 20 Nov 2022. Last updated 21 Jan 1:32:06 am.

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