Sub Oscillator

The sub is a single Oscillator used to add low end to your patches.

- Enable Switch Click the switch to enable the Sub Osc.
- Shape Switch Choose from the 5 available waveforms - Saw, Square Saw, Square, Triangle and Sine
- Keyfollow In standard operation, the pitch frequency played by the oscillator is controlled by the note played on your MIDI keyboard. If you disable keyfollow, the pitch will stay steady regardless of which note you play. This can be useful for using the Osc to create a kick drum.

- Oct, Semi, Cent, All Drag these controls to adjust the pitch of the Sub Osc. The default is for it to play one octave below the other Oscs, but there is nothing stopping you from using the Sub Osc at any frequency.
- Harmonics knob Controls the tone of the Sub Osc. For all waveforms except sine, the knob blends the output between the shape and a sine wave. For the sine shape, the knob controls a bend that pushes the center of the sine outwards.
- Phase knob Controls the start position of the waveform.