Manual Import

Click the main tabs to choose a Wav file and begin a Manual Import. Import > Manual Import

This launches the Sound Edit page with the wav file loaded into the Import tab.

Waveform Graph

  • Click and drag in the on the red waveform to select an area of audio
  • The play button will play the original audio, from the cursor position
  • Zoom in horizontally using the zoom buttons, or the mouse wheel
  • Zoom in vertically using the zoom buttons on the right
  • When zoomed in, drag the timeline to show different areas of the sound


  • This shows information about the current selection length.
  • The frequency of the selection is shown in Hertz and as a Midi note
  • The frequency of the base Sound is also show
  • The match % shows the difference between the two
  • When you're importing a note with a steady pitch, you'll usually want to select an area that is 100% of the length / pitch of the base Sound
  • Click the left and right arrows, or use the arrow keys, to move the current selection
  • Jump mode will move the start of the selection to the end, and select a similar length
  • Add mode will extend the end or start of the selection. use shift + the arrow keys
  • Nudge mode will move the start and end of the selection to the next zero crossing

Import Toolbar

  • Add Attack Import the selected audio as an Attack sample.
  • Add Cycle Import the selection as a wavetable cycle.
  • Insert at: Playhead When selected, cycles will be added wherever the playhead is in the Cycle positions graph below.
  • Insert at: Original Position When selected, cycles will be added at the percentage in time that the selection is in the original audio.
  • Add to: Pitch Curve When selected, a point will be added to the green pitch curve graph. The pitch is calculated as the variation from the base note of the sound, in semitones.
  • Add to: Amp Curve When selected, a point will be added to the amp curve graph. The amp is calculated as the

Cycle Positions Graph

  • Left / Right Buttons Stereo sounds only. Clicking L or R selects the channel being edited. For example, you can use it to choose which channel to paste to.
  • Play head Drag the play head to audition the cycle at that position. Can also be used as a curror to paste or insert cycles to.
  • Cycle graphs Click and drag the cycles to reposition them. You can also delete, cut, copy and paste using key commands.
  • Solo buttons Stereo sounds only. Playing the synth with solo enabled will solo that channel.
  • Preview on drag button Enable or disable an audio preview when dragging the play head.

Sound Preview Graph

  • Play Button Will play the engine at the pitch and velocity of the current sound. It's the same as playing the exact Midi note. Fx and filters will be included.
  • Waveform Graph Shows a render of the sound being edited, at the root pitch of the sound, with the natural length in seconds.
  • Solo buttons Stereo only. Solo one channel of the engine playback

Watch some examples of Manual import here:

Authored on 24 Oct 2022. Last updated 11 May 10:56:30 am.

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